Welcome to my 3D Models page. On this page, you will see things that I have created in a 3D form. These 3D models are made with programs called SketchUp and Blender.

The picture to the left is the house I made in Multimedia on SketchUp. This is the uncolored version. It took a while to get used to all the buttons and the shortcuts to use everything, but I think I have it pretty well now. As this was my first 3D model it was quite hard getting used to SketchUp, but it all ended very well.

To the right is the picture of the finished Simple House. It took me quite a long time to find the colors of my liking for this house. As this was built in SketchUp, there was limited colors to choose from, but I am really happy on how it turned out.

After finishing the Simple house project in Multimedia, we started on creating our own 3D models. During this unit I made two 3D models. Below is the process of making my 3D models.

Here is the first model I made. While making this, I had to keep starting over to get it just right. I am very happy on how it turned out so far. This model started off to be very bland before I decided to add way more detail in the finished version.

This is the completed version of my 3D model. As you can see this version has a lot more details than the first photo. I thought adding all of these colors and details would bring the whole model together.

After creating the model in SketchUp, I brought it to Blender to create a video and more.

To the left is my 3D model imported into Blender. At first, I was wondering why the colors were looking very dull until I lightened the brightness up to turn it back to normal for the video I had made.

To the right, is the video I made to show off my entire model. As you can see the colors are brightened up by a lot. In this video, I had to set a lot of keyframes to have a smooth type of look while the camera is moving up.

230227 Modern Art Spin 100 percent Ava Ullman.mp4

In this video, I added one of the backgrounds I made from the My Favorite Things project. I think giving my model the background really brought in some colors that weren't in the model before.

230302 Ava Animation Composite Ava Ullman.mp4

This is my second 3D model I had made. At first, I was going to make a very flat design that could work as a coaster, but it ended up going to be a regular design for DATA. I am very glad on how it had turned out even though it may had not been what I was going for at first.

Here is the same model, but put into Blender. I put this model in Blender to make a spin video as I had done with my first 3D model. Even though the colors are still very bright (unlike the first model in Blender) they still kind of got a dull type of look. This is because Blender is a different program than SketchUp to make the models come to life more realistically.