
"This school will push you past your limits but it will be there for you when you fall down and will help you get back up." 

By Madelyn Bowe

About Me

Hi my name is Madelyn, but I would prefer you to call me Maddy. I'm a 7th grade student at a program called DATA also know as Design and Technology Academy. I love this school and am so happy that I chose to come here. I have made really close connects to some of the people here that I don't think I will find when I return to Bradley. 

My Current Sport

I am a swimmer on a team called AAAA it is a year long swim team that I have been on since I was 9. I am currently on Gold 1 or the highest I can achieve at my current age. I am considered really fast for my age but not the best. I have won many medals at meets, but I also like to get ribbons during the summertime on my summer league team (The Piranhas) with my neighborhood friends.

About Data

Data is a program where we learn to make 3D figures and then turn them into photos, videos and more. You can find this program at Ed White Middle School in San Antonio. We also edit and make entire sights like the one you are on right now. To get into this school you have to enter into a lottery, that you may not even get picked from. You also have to have 85s and above in all classes before entering into the lottery.

This is our school mascot the eagle.


 Click here to get to know DATA better!

I created this image in Multimedia last year, it was DATA man in space with an astronaut suit on.