My Robot

In this project we got to design our own robot. I chose to make a cleaning robot but decided to focus on clothes because as a teenage girl it is one of the most time consuming chore. So may I introduce to you CHIBI clothes edition which was designed by the Cleaning Humanoid Industrial Designs of Basic Artificial Intelligence Company bellow with their requirements.

For CHIBI we had to make a sales speech which is basically like a elevator pitch which I have bellow.

Hello there, my name is Madelyn Bowe and I am the owner of the Cleaning Humanoid Industrial Designs of Basic Artificial Intelligence where we produce robots for basic household chores. In this case, you are looking to buy our clothing robot named CHIBI after our company. Before you make your purchase we wanted to tell you that they help people with little time to spend on household chores to achieve a clean and tidy home for you to return to. It does this by picking the clothes up whether it's on the floor or on your furniture it will locate, wash, clean, dry, fold, and even sort if you can afford the extensions for this bot. In fact, just recently an old friend of mine reached out and asked to buy one of my robots from me and, after a week or so they sent me an email telling me that the robot was a true time saver for them and, that they can’t wait to see what other products I will be putting out in the future. For more information you can email Cleaning Humanoid Industrial Designs of Basic Artificial Thank you for your patience and have a wonderful day.