Here you will be able to see the work I have done in Vector Art during grading period 2. I used Adobe Illustrator and Google Drawings. to make the following images. Adobe I. is a platform that allows you to create many unique shapes and use text.

Here is our sample graphic which we made in Multimedia. That helped us practice for the emojis we made bellow.

Here are the three emojis' I have made in Multi Media. These emojis' include Mad, Sad, and Surprised. In order to see the other images click the side arrow. 

These were very fun to make and they weren't that hard either. I had fun adjusting the eyebrows depending on their emotion, changing the eye colors, making different mouths, and changing the skin color to match the emotion.

Here you can find my Ed Emberley creations. They include my Fox, Swordfish, and Seahorse.

Here is my Fox it was my first Ed Emberley creation and probably my favorite so far it was suppose to be square but I changed it to be curvy at the corners. I also added gradients to it.

This is my Swordfish it was the second Ed Emerly and not my last. I once again added a gradient to this. I had a bit of trouble with getting the size proportions to look good, but I think it turned out alright.

Last but not least the Seahorse which I once again added a gradient to. One more interesting fact about this is it was meant to be blue but I did it in purple so that it stuck out more than being the same color as the Swordfish.

This is my mission patch that I made for my field trip to Scobee Center.

I had a really fun time on the field trip. We got to watch a movie about a crew going to Mars. We also did a simulation of going to Mars ourselves . It showed me that teams can let you down, but we need to work together to make it to Mars and back.

Here are some GIFS  that I made in Adobe Animation.

The windmill didn't work the way it was supposed to. If you see the two dots in the background those made everything go wrong. When I tried to delete them the spinning wheel went haywire. It moved across the screen and spun. So instead of stressing over it I kept it.

The doll was suppose to be hard, but it was more fun then the others.

The ship was confusing for me, but fun to do with my friend Sophia A.