This is my 3D Models section. You can use it to see what we have been doing in my Multimedia class in grading period 3.

This project is a 3D model of a house we made in Multi Media in Sketchup for Schools and Blender.

This is my Painted House that we made in SketchUp for Schools. SketchUp is a program that allows you to create and build 3D structures, and make videos of your builds.

This is the same house, but instead of a picture it is a video showing the house from different angles.

Here is my Simple House from above, but instead of a image from SketchUp it is an image from Blender which allows you to add shadows. Blender is a free website for everyone that has access to the internet.

This is the same house from above, but instead of an image it's a video. This video has the house spinning quickly around itself for 3 seconds then  it spins  slower the other way around  for the remaining  7 seconds.

Model Art 1

When you watch the videos go to the settings button, there you can change the quality to your liking.

Here is a my model art structure that I made in Sketchup. I started off with it as a eight sided octagon  only a few inches to a foot of the ground. Then I made random lines and used the push pull shortcut to add detail.

230301 Model Art 1 10 second 100 percent - Maddy Bowe.mp4

Here is the same model from before, but I adjusted it a bit. It isn't a image anymore instead it is a video. It's also  spinning around and the camera moves to look above it at one point.