Tech Apps is my eighth period and one of my favorites.

Here is my averages for Tech Apps.

My goal by the end of the year is 30 words per minute with at least a 95%  accuracy. I'm getting better and better everyday at my typing speed and I can't wait to reach my goal. 

Here is my speed and accuracy throughout the 3rd grading period so far.

Here is my speed during the 4th grading period on the first screen of 22-23 Intermediate Typing PRACTICE.

EC Assignments I Liked

This is a google sheet image that I made in the EC015 assignment.

Photoshop Dodge and Burn


This is a project I did in Tech Apps it was made in Photoshop. We used a burn  tool to make areas darker, while dodge makes things brighter. I really like the product of the assignment and can't wait to start editing my own vacation photos so it looks this amazing.

Google Drawings Kirby

Here is my Kirby which I made in google drawings with its background in Tech Apps.