AV Tech

SOPHIA AVELLA - 💙My Moji Room💙

My Moji Room

This is the first project we did called My Moji Room. This is a room where we put a bunch of things we like. Most of the photos have links to other slides.

Build A Burger

This was a little assignment where we have to build a burger so that we can show that we know how to use layers.


This was another small asignment to help us with the paint bucket tool on photoshop.

Text Effects 

Text Effects 

Text Effects 

Text Effects 

Client Graphics

This is a project that we did when we interviewed someone in our class and made a graphic that represents them

Inspirational Graphic

This Graphic was for Hispanic Heritage Month. We choose someone we look up to and then make a graphic of them.

SOPHIA AVELLA - HIspanic Heritage

Hispanic Heritage Month Slides

This is the google slides that goes along with the inspirational graphic. The slides basically explain what Hispanic heritage month is and why it is important. After that it shows who your inspirational person is.