Hello! Here is the android apps screen. This is when we make our own apps with the help of a coding program called MIT. App Inventor.

Here is the app that we used for the App Inventor Unit.

Here is the QR code that you can reach my app with. If you would like more details before you scan the code just scroll down and you will find all the screens in my app.


Main Screen

Here is a screenshot of my main screen in my android app. This is where you can access all of the possible screens. My screens that you can acess is Hello Codi, Talk to me, Ball Bounce, Digital Doodle, Paint Pot+, and About. The only other button there is, is the exit button which can help  you leave the app.


Hello Codi

Talk To Me

Ball Bounce

Digital Doodle



Paint pot

This is the  biggest screen on the whole entire android app. It is basically like digital doodle but even better! On the editor it looks weird because the coloring page isn't there but on the actual app (which you can get to from the QR code above) it will show the actual coloring page.