This is a page called 3D Models. In this Unit we will have the ability to obviously 3D print things, using this program called SketchUp for schools. 

Here are the apps we used for the 3D models unit.

Here is my simple house that we first started from scratch. So I did everything from the building to painting.

Here is the video that we made of our house.  We recorded it using ScreenCast.Omatic If you watch it you will see that I got my house from a bunch of different angles so that you can see the extra little details. If you look above the door I made that window from scratch with no instructions. 

Here is my Simple house 10 second spin form an app called blender. First we made a 3 second one that was 10% then 100%. Finally we moved on to changed it from 3 seconds to 10 seconds so we added another spin and rendered it 10% then 100% and the one you see on the left is 100%.

Here is the first model that I made. This is my SketchUp photo for my first model.

Here is my blender image of my first model!

230224 Abstract Art Spin 1- Camera moving with spin 10 sec Sophia Avella 100 percent0000-0300.mp4

Here is the same model as the one above, but the video has a little twist. In this video, the camera will move.

230222 Abstract Art Spin 1- SOphia AVella 10 second 100 percent0000-0300.mp4

Here is my Abstract Art Spin that we did. We started by making a shape and then just added some lines to it. After that we added all the lines to make new shapes we used the push-pull tool to make some of the shapes taller or smaller. We also used this tool called offset that we used to make even smaller shapes inside of another shape.

230301 Sophia Avella Background.mp4

The next thing that we could've done was sculpt in blender or we could make a green screen background for our video. I chose the green screen background so here is my background.

230308 Sophia Avella Model Floating in Space.mp4

This is the same video as above but it had the model in it with some distortion and just the model spinning while the camera moves!

Here is the second model that I made and I think that this one is way better than the first one that I made because this one looks more unique. This is my SketchUp photo for my second model.

Here is the second model that I made. This is my blender photo for my second model.

This is my second model with the camera moving and the model spinning around.

230310 Abstract Art Spin 3- Camera moving with spin 10 sec Sophia Avella 100 percent 0000-0300.mp4