This is the Core classes Screen. Here I am able to show what we are working on in our other DATA classes. First I will introduce you to all the teachers. After I introduce you to the teachers I will show you some of the assignments or work that we have done in that class.

Social Studies 🌎

This (low-quality) picture is of Mrs.Stubbins, is our Social Studies teacher. She is my 1st period teacher. She has been teaching for 14 years, meaning this will be her 15th year teaching.

This is the create a world project. This is only part of the project because we continued it throughout the year. This project was an assignment where every student made their own world and added other features on to it as the year went on.

Science 🧪

This is Mrs.Nuckolls!!!!She teaches science and has a very fun and exciting way of teaching. She is my 3rd period teacher. She has been teaching for 10 years meaning that this will be her 11th year of teaching

Save the earth

This is an assignment that we did in science. The assignment was to make a save the earth poster and this is what I decided to do. This is also on the core classes page.

Multi Media 🖥

This is Mr.Hicks! He teaches Multi Media which is the class that I work on this portfolio in. He is my 4th period teacher. He has been teaching for 14 years meaning that this will be his 15th year of teaching.

English/ELAR/English Language Arts 📝

This is Mr.Wayment. He teaches English/ELAR. He is my 7th period teacher. He has been teaching for 16 years meaning this will be his 17th year of teaching.

Below you will find some of the essays/writings that we did in his class:Hatchet essay, Newsletter essay, quotes and truism, memoir, and persuasive essay.

This essay is the hatchet essay. The assignment was that we needed to find a struggle in our life and then we had to connect it to the book hatchet.

SOPHIA AVELLA - Hatchet Mini-essay

This is our newsletter essay. The assignment was that we needed to take one of the things that we read in english and we had to turn it into a news headline.

SOPHIA AVELLA - Narrative Retelling 2023

This is the quotes and truisms. 

SOPHIA AVELLA - My Quote and Truism Bank

This is our memoir. Mine is about a story that happened in my life when I went to South Padre in the summer.


This is persuasive essay. This is about having likes on social media.

SOPHIA AVELLA - My Persuasive Essay 2023
SOPHIA AVELLA - My Fiction Story (with my monster and root words in it)

Math ➕

This is Mrs.Starrburt!!!!She teaches math and has a good way of teaching. I especially like the way she teaches because she gives us work days every week and it is very helpful because after you finish all your work you can work on other things from other classes or you can have free time! She is my 8th period teacher. She has been teaching for 13 years meaning that this will be her 14th year of teaching.

Here is something that we have learned in math.