This page will show you what we are doing in my Tech Apps class. In Tech Apps we do typing tests to make sure that we are good at typing because when we get older and get jobs it will be easier if we already know how to type fast.

My goal for the end of the year is 70 WPM and at least 90 accuracy.

Adobe Illustrator

This was for a grade. I decided that I wanted to try this tool called flare and that is what you see in the middle. I enjoyed making this because it lets me explore new things.

This is my PhotoShop 038 Assignment.

SOPHIA AVELLA - 026 2023 Travel Budget [due Fri 2/24]

Vector Art

If you could not tell this is  Ariana Grande. I made her through Google Drawings with a method called Vector Art. I chose to do Ariana Grande because my Acro partner's birthday since she loves Ariana Grande so much (if you don't know what Acro is go to my about page and it will tell you about it). This is also on my Vector Art page.

Google Drawings

This was also for a grade. I made it from Google Drawings and I didn't know what to make so I just made a fake poster about a club called the campfire club.

Google Drawings

This was also for a grade. I made it from Google Drawings and It was a required Drawing. Mr. Gonzalez made a google drawing and we had to copy it to the best of our ability.

230123 GS 2P Avella Sophia 024 FINAL

Here is my 024 presentation that I presented to the whole class. It goes over digital citizenship, Creating STrong Passwords, and Charity Fraud. All of these things help you stay safe on the internet.

This is my smore pixel art that I made for extra credit. We used Google Spreadsheets for this.

Here is another extra credit assignment that I did. If you can not tell, it is a frog in a floatie. I chose to do this design because it reminds me of summer and that it is coming up.

Tech Apps 🧑‍💻

This is Mr. Gonzalez. He teaches Tech Apps. He is my 2nd period teacher.He has been teaching for 7 years meaning that this will be his 8th year teaching.