This is one of our biggest projects and our first one. We made a video out of images we found in the web representing some of our favorite things. This is the final video enjoy :)

These were the first couple of steps of the project. First we did an essay about our favorite things this helped us to know how to use the tools and have an idea what we were gonna write. Second we needed to find 9 pictures for the video so they needed to be big.

These are the images I picked for the video we also needed to save the image address so we could put it at the end of the video so people could see the pictures. In Adobe Photoshop we edited the images so they could be brighter or focus more in the main part of the image that was one of my favorite parts of the project. Then we went to Premiere which is where I made the video which is above if you haven't watched it already then go ahead and go watch it.

 This is my before and after my before is the one in the bottom as you can see it's not that colorful but then in the one in the top was after using Photoshop which I  made it brighter and colorful.

These are my titles/sections of my video I made the background and the text color which was very fun because we could choose any color. These are the categories of the things I like each section had 3 pictures each of my favorite things.