About DATA

DATA is a Neisd program at Ed White middle school 6 grade to 8 grade and after middle school high school with DATA at Roosevelt which is the remaining years. DATA stands for design and technology academy. Here instead of having a free period like Team time or Eagle hour we have a computer class and instead of two electives we have one elective and a other computer class.

To enter DATA you need to do a form to enter. To do the form you need to go to the neisd website and go to schools and put magnet programs. Then look for DATA there's two the high school and the middle school put which ever one you're gonna go for example if you're going to middle school put that then put DATA then click the link to their website and put application process and there you go.

Mr Ruiz is our DATA principle,  Ms Vallente our assistant principal and they make sure that Ed white middle school is an educational place for everyone.

Here is a picture of Mr.Ruiz and a picture of Ms. Vallente

A requirement for DATA is that you need a certain amount of community service for each grade level for example for 6th grade you need five the in 7th you need 10 then in 8th grade you need 15th. These are required so you graduate in DATA and for example if you don't do the hours in 6th grade you need to do 15 in 7th since you didn't do that and also you don't go to the graduation at the end of the year in sixth grade since you didn't do them.

Here is my opinion and some extra things I think about DATA. (Hint click on the text.

This year in DATA has been very fun I had no friends at the beggining at the year but then I started meeting people. This years has been one of the funnest just because of the people I met and what we do. If you don't really interact that much in general middle schools is gonna make you meet new friends. So even if you don't get into DATA remember you will also meet other people. But if you want to get into DATA here are some tips for future DATA students.