Here is a project I did in science I was soposed to put an item and put the main ingredients an what elements they were.


Here is a project we made in social studies we spun a wheel to see what country we made a project of. This is 1 of 3 parts this one was a google doc. I made this project with Tommy if you want to see his portfolio I will put the link at the bottom of this page.

Part 2 Belarus Project

This is the second part of this project and this time it's a google doc for those who don't know what is the words after the slash it's the word before the slash but in the language of the country.

Belarus Part 3

Here is the final part where we had to make a google doc about things that they do for example their music. 

This is Tommy's portfolio if you want ot check it out.

Here is a memoir I did in ELAR it might show as request access if it does put it in the feedback form. If it doesn't work and you want to know here is a really short summary. It was about when I was 7 and we went to a museum for a fieldtrip. When we arrive my emotions get to me so I decide to hide then after that I couldn't find them. That's summary leaving details so I don't spoil it for you.

These next ones are just other essays I have done.

JULIAN RODRIGUEZ - Hatchet Mini-essay
JULIAN RODRIGUEZ - My Persuasive Essay 2023
JULIAN RODRIGUEZ - Narrative Retelling 2023
JULIAN RODRIGUEZ - My Quote and Truism Bank