This is our last project!!! We are making our own app they might be similar but they all have different features that makes them unique. Using the computer we make different commands which makes different things happen for example you can draw with certain commands. Then with the emulator or the tablet we have we can test out the commands that we did. A strugge is that sometimes you need  to explore because not all videos are gonna tell you everything sometimes you need to figure things out by yourself. 

For example I was finish with almost everything in paintpot, I was adding by final touches then I accidently added a canvas so I tried to delete it and I accidently deleted the wrong one which was the main one. You know what that means right, it means I have to make every color all over again. Which makes it worst about this is that I did this 2 minutes after Mr. Hicks told me to save my work just incase something like this happened. 

 The apps I did were Hello Codi, Talk to me, Ball bounce , digital doodle and Paint pot. Paint pot took the longest and was the hardest by far. If I could make any app I would make a game like God Of War where it's open world and you need to explore the area instead of the game only having one point which is beating the game. but God Of War is more of getting every single item which makes it more challenging. 

This is a QR code to my app you need to scan it so it can work. If it doesn't work put it in the portfolio feedback so I can fix it.