"DATA will push to become smarter more responsible and makes you wanna go to school without complaining everyday."

My name is Julian Rodriguez and im here a 6th grader at Ed White middle school in the DATA program. I got in the program because of my sister I didn't even want to come here in the first place because I wasnted to be in my home school which is Garner which all my friends were gonna go so I was begging my mom not to take me but it is what it is. Now that I think about it DATA isn't so bad that I think about it but I would still be happier if I was with my old friends but I have slowly gotten use to being here with my new friends . Here at DATA I feel I have more of a challenge because everything is harder but it's still not that hard except for ELAR because I have never been good at reading and most of the time in that class im a sleep with my eyes open because trust me in my opinion I think it's very boring. And I also have to try and put effort to get good grades I can't just goof off and not do anything I have to put 100 percent effort to get actually good grades. And even when I do that the highest grade i have gotten in a semester was in the 3rd one which was a 91. So if you're going to DATA and you goof off and play around if you're not gonnna put any effort like me in any class at least do it in ELAR so you can keep up with your grades. So don't pay attention alot do it 

If you want to use some apps here a few  apps I used here they are.

 Adobe photoshop


Adobe Illustrator.
