Here we go again! Looks like i'm back to making robots, but this time this one is finally helpful and is not used for any other activities! Check it out!


This is a robot that does everything possible! Other than the features listed, it can also do anything you code it to, like driving, baking, writing, and more! It's like ChatGPT but better, and you can buy it for $500.00 today! Want to know how we made this design? Well it's simple really, all we did was use the line tools to trace out custom shapes, use warped text, and used custom brushes and patterns to create something like this. Simple, right?


It's mostly text, but I bet you're wondering how we got that curve on the text and the copyright symbol even though i'm a 13 year old with no money to produce such a project and this is not a legit product? Well, it's simple. We used a curved line to attach the text to the line (which is hidden) and we just inserted the symbol. It's really not that hard to accomplish...


Robot go beep boop

Overall thoughts

I liked this project, because it inspired us to create a silly little robot that does household activities. The fact that the design was clearly up to us was also a great part of the project because you also had to be creative and either make something great or something... not as artistically talented. Overall, I think I did good on this project, with the robot and it's functions. If you want to get started on a robot like this, I suggest you do these steps for the best success: start a sketch of your drawing, insert that image into Adobe Illustrator, trace over with the pen tool, and then add extra detail or anything you want.