Business Truck

Here is where you can find my business truck. Included is the logo, menu, and truck. I will also include why I chose to do the food truck that I did, what my logo means, and some other stuff.

Smile Foods Menu

This is the menu for my Food Truck. The items on it are some basic "real" food except our food is actually real, homecooked from the heart, right on our grill. There are also desserts and drinks as well. (which are also made from real ingredients) We also sell plushies, our special sauce, and gift cards. (for some reason..?)

Smile Sauce

Our special sauce that we put on everything is our famous Smile Sauce™ made with some different things. There are actually multiple variations, one with fruit, one with mayo and some other spices (think of street corn) or you can choose to request your own. However, all of them have a special Smile Serum (not ™ yet) that make these Delectable Dips so giggly. 

Smile Foods Logo (Origins)

Back in 5th Grade, I started making a comic called The Smiles which one of my friends were helping me with at the time. It was about two kids who got trapped in a "tower" and had no way to get out other than to survive. Soon they realized that they were not in the tower they entered and that it wasn't just a tower, but a whole facility (somehow.) Anyway, when I got my phone, I decided to start animating and making creepy stuff with an eerie smile. That smile on my logo is what the eerie smile I always drew looked like.

Smile Foods Logo (Representation)

What my logo represents is that sort of eerie feeling you get sometimes when someone's smiling at you, but it's that kinda weird smile that can somehow be eerie and inviting at the same time, like in horror movies when the creepy music is playing and you know that something bad's about to happen or something weird is going on, but you can't quite put your finger on it...

Smile Foods Truck 

This is my truck, which has a logo, the menu, and a nice yellow color.  Visit this truck in various locations like StreetFair, local parks in Texas, or at markets.