These following images below are taken from the internet, put into Adobe Photoshop, and have been photoshopped to perfection for this very project! Hard work has been put into these images, and the video.

This video, on youtube, here has been pieced together with Adobe Premiere using transitions, images from the internet  (shoutouts to the websites in the video), and our own personal text and backgrounds, and of course, our skills that we learned.

And over here, in this section would be our current project. Everything from the video and pictures on this page to THIS very website is a part of this project, and revolves around our entire year. This is just a piece of what's coming next. And with our great Multimedia teacher, we'll be lead to victory! Tune in for more, and know you can always look back on our accomplishments, and how much we've grown in DATA.

Please watch the video, subscribe, and maybe even leave a helpful comment on anything I can improve!

Remember, my youtube channel link is on the first page.

Original images, before they were touched up and photoshopped with incredible skill.

Headers for the sections in the video, such as My Favorite Things, or TV Shows.

Below is just a quick comparison of the images before and after, and you can probably see the difference between images, or I hope you do at least.





Here are links to the Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere websites.