This is the Vector Art page for this portfolio! Think of this as an art show; you get to walk around and look at the art that was slaved over by many important and famous painters. You know, except it's online, and kinda like it's 2020 again with the whole virtual art show. Enjoy!

Hello, i'll be your virtual tour guide for this tour of the Vector Art section. Sit back, relax, get some snacks, and scroll down!

In this section, we have the Sample Graphic, which started with one big circle, which found little friends just like him. To the right and left you can see the change between the two pictures. Inverting is very easy IF you know the right tools!

Below my head we have the Emotion Emojis made with the fine brushes, lines, circles and more of the tools of Adobe Illustrator! We have the emotions "Happy, Angry, and Shocked!" These can even be animated to move positions, or switch emotion! That's what it was made for!

Beside me we have a nice Famous Person Emoji! This was and still is supposed to be a mystery for anyone to guess!! Just put your name and what you think it is in the basket below! Anyways, this was brilliantly made (if I do say so myself) with the many lines and shapes used with Adobe Illustrator!


This recent work of art was too made in Illustrator, it is called the Mission To Mars: Team Patch. But this one wasn't made for just the sole purpose of art, this was made for a field trip to the Scobee Museum to learn about science, and to help them inhabit Mars in their latest project. They will explore the finest depths of the universe and more at the Scobee. Wish them luck! (below is the original art of what's on the patch, it was edited later)

We are almost to the end of the semester, and our Adobe Artist has made a few more works to show you!

These are the animated GIF's that were worked on in Adobe Animate! (sorry the walking boy gif doesn't, well, walk.)

These works are tutorials on the program, and there are 9 of them right here, just for you!

Storks Animation

This was made with a more complicated system called rigging (i think). It basically moves each individual body part you connect it to. The background was keyframed, of course.

Follow the Leader: Fish Animation

This was first made with a system called parenting, which is what connects the small fish to the big one, and using keyframes, tweening, you get this. Voila!

Walking Boy (broken for some reason)

The boy was already animated, but this is an illusion of motion. By making the background move, it looks like he's moving, or not moving? It's confusing.

Rotating Earth

The ball that is the Earth in this situation isn't moving at all! There's actually a strip of the continents moving on loop.

Animated Doll

This was made with keyframes, tweening, moving anchor points, and other seemingly conffusing words.

Bouncing Ball

This was simply made with keyframes and an illusion to make you think the ball is bouncing off the floor.

Pencil Swipe

This pencil is seemingly moving like a human is swiping it to draw, but keyframes, tweening, and occasionally moving the pencil, and also tilting it is how this was made. Looks beautiful, doesn't it?

Swinging Ship Ride

This ride was made using what we call keyframes, tweening, and moving the ship part by its anchor points to make motion.

Rotating Windmill

This was used with keyframes, tweening and rotation to make a spinning windmill.

This is the Adobe Illustrator (AI) Ralsei Drawing made in Google Drawings and transformed with AI! Ralsei is from a hit game that, well i'm not going to explain because it's in the about section of this virtual page. If you want to learn more, go to the about section.

Below is my Ed Emberley creation, that after drawing separate creations in Adobe Illustrator, I mashed them all together to make one big art piece. You're welcome!