In the new year, we begin a new year of craziness, and the limits that we thought we pushed to it's limit are actually things that were a taste of what we can do. This is the start of our 3D model unit. For now, what you might see is SIMPLE, but that is just the appetizer in our 5 course meal. Question is, will you eat it all? You won't know if you like the meal until you try it!

What you see is a house. Not just any house, but in fact a 3D house. We started building this house in the 3D modeling app Sketchup as an unpainted version, and then took it to a slightly greater level to paint it in our own way. This is one of the hundreds of houses out there, this one made by yours truly.

Our plans for this are to record it, to show different angles of the house for a little video of it. A little bonus idea is to scatter the pieces and recollect them  in another video. The second image is an alternate image of it that i'm working on.

And this is my video for the following above (the first image, not the second) doing a rotation of the house twice. I would have to give credit for my teacher, Mr. Hicks, for the videos that we watched to do this, both the house and the recording. Of course he still teaches us too, but the videos always had what we needed to know. If the video doesn't work, the link is

This is the first ever assignment we did for 3D modeling called "Cubes", as you can see. This was a simple assignment involving the rectangle tool, the push/pull tool, and a tape measurer to make sure that they are perfect cubes.

This, if you can tell, is an unpainted version of our house which was complicated to make, but once you get the hang of the tools, you can ace it. 

Hey? Want to try yourself but have absolutely no expertise in 3D modeling? It's okay, I got you. To kill 2 birds with one stone, i'm leaving you the link to Sketchup Free, which isn't the one we used, but is basically the same thing. AND i'm leaving you with a few tutorials of the basics. Hey, even try looking up a few of your own. I believe in you!

What we're currently working on is converting our house to Blender (may have heard of it) and rendering it and we're going to make a few videos containing this house, from rotating the house around to exploding it! Below will be a side to side comparison of the 2 houses so you can really see the difference. Which one is better to you?

Sketchup (before)

Blender (after)

Unfinished Slide

Are you a kid? Do you like to play? Well too bad! We're going to make you sad by putting a broken piece of playwork on the screen!


No, but seriously. This slide is unfinished, i need to work on it. Hey, maybe I can make a playground. We'll see. But until then...



And after a few weeks...

Here is the full render, 100 PERCENT, 12 second video of our house. To think that we went from sketchup to blender, from cartoony to "WOW!" From unrendered to rendered! To think that you thought we were done. Quite the opposite.

This next video will be... explosive. or implosive. I don't know.

OH NO! Our house exploded! But don't worry, because it's  being pieced back together! This is the house but it explodes and gets put back together! Have fun watching this!

(DISCLAIMER: Doesn't apply to real life. If your house explodes, it will not get put back together. Also, do not test this at home. Meaning: Do NOT explode your real life house.) 

Sketchup Cyber City

This is the latest project we've been working on; creating our own model in Sketchup. This one is called Cyber City, because it has vibrant colors and is very abstract. It has ladders and TV's and a sign on one of the buildings saying "Cyber City" in caps. Explore the city and see the sights!

Blender Cyber City

A more cleaner look was added to the Cyber City when we put it in Blender. High powered rendered images and videos,  lights, camera, action in Cyber City! Tour the city in 4K and jump off of walls and climb ladders!

Look at Cyber City from an angle and the people inside it. Look at the tv's, the ladders, the colors! Wouldn't you love to stay here? WHY DON'T YOU?

Cyber City is amazing, the best city out there! The only way to capture it is from a distance of course! 


230227 Cyber City 10 Second Spin (100 PERCENT).mp4
230307 CYBER CITY VIDEO Lunden Mims.mp4

Welcome to Cyber City!

Tour the streets, but be careful, don't fall! See the sights of the bustling city, climb up ladders and see the city from the top, and go to our famous Cyber City sign! Meet with vendors and shopkeepers (but don't question them about the doors)

Cyber City! You'll never want to leave.

Something interesting is that Blender has a youtube channel full of short videos and tutorials, or whatever they have on there. Anyway, my point is that you should check it out. Even better, i'll leave the links on the right including some of my favorite videos.

CHARGE by BlenderStudio

Sprite Fright by BlenderStudio

Coffee Run by Blender Studio

Assets from the Sprite Fright video (if you want them)

Links to Sketchup Free Version and Blender website

The BLENDER website

SketchUp Free