Title made with firefly 


This is my ELAR Monster above that I animated. I used a lot of programs to make this animated monster, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adope Premiere Pro , Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Media Encoder. These programs are all on Adobe

Shape Sampler

For my shape samplings I used Adobe Illustrator to test out the shapes that I could and was able to use in my monster. In the picture you see the frog that was formed by squares and circles. I also used the star tool to do the to stars and the star that looks like a flower up in the top left corner. There is also a line tool that I used to do what I kind of thought looked like a lilly pad up on the top right corner. This was really fun and I would defiantly do it again.


This is my emoji that I also did in Adobe Illustrator. For this project I used a the line tool that I learned about when we did the shape sampler. So that is what I did for the outline and I filled in the shape with the bucket tool. The eyes were the easiest to me because they were thin lines and I used the shape tool to make the dark square eyes. Me and Leanna A collaborated with the pac man emojis.

Sample Graphic

We also did this in Adobe Illustrator. We used the circle tool, and a fun fact is if you click Shift it makes a perfect circle and if you click Alt it stays in the middle.