Sketchup for Schools Arches Animation 

240308 long Cycles Sketchup Painted Model Cevallos Sophia 0000-0600.mp4

This is my model that I made on sketchup for school, but I also rendered this in blender. In there I added the mirror on the bottom to look reflective.  The first thing that I did was create this in Sketchup for Schools. I made a polygon to hold the bottom of the arches. I used the Arch tool to make the colorful arches. After I did that I did the shapes on the bottom, which in my opinion was the easiest. I think that the arches was the hardest, because I could not make the arches strait. But after all that I still had to paint it. So I used my family's favorite colors. Starting with my sibling and I. Then I did the rest based on my other family's favorite colors. After I did all that in sketchup, I went to blender. In blender I made two versions. Cycles, and Eevee. In Eevee you can't add any effects onto your model. With cycles you can add a lot of effects. Like reflection and Bubbles. So I used the reflection on the bottom plate. After that I rendered my blender. Now you have the video that I rendered. 

This is my 3D models page where I will tell you what 3D modeling is in SketchUp for Schools which is a 3D modeling software. The header on the top was actually made from SketchUp for Schools.

House SketchUp

This is my house that I made in the SketchUp for Schools, this was a very fun process that lets you design things that you make. (This was before I changed the texture.)

Close & Clean Up House SketchUp

This is a picture of my window and door. On the door you came see that I put a doorknob which was one of my favorite parts of the things to do.  (This was After I changed the texture.)

240129 Simple House Scene Sophia Cevallos.mp4

This is my 3D house

This house was very fun. We used Sketchup to create it. The first thing that I did was make a 2 rectangle for the house and used the push pull to pull it out and then from there I made a roof and did the same thing to pull the roof out. Next I made my windows which was very tricky in my opinion. first you would make a rectangle, and then used the Offset tool to make the 4 squares inside and the outer rectangle. Then I used the push pull tool again to make it look more 3D and not flat. Then you would measure it to the door and make the door. To make the door you would need to draw a rectangle again and use the Offset tool to get the outer line and pull that out. Then you would need to add the windows to all of the walls, and you can adjust them to the size of the wall. After that you need to do the trimming on the bottom and the top. For this you need to the Follow me tool to drag it on the bottom to create the trim but you can not click away or it will mess it all up so it was a little bit hard. Next comes the fun part which is........ THE COLORING!!! For the coloring you have a little bit of crazy time you can go crazy and do a clown house or whatever colors you will want to have you practice paint. I went for a cute pastel house. Once you experiment with colors you can go for a realistic house. You can use the warehouse for this. On there you can look up textures and download them to your layout. And then sample the colors to have the same colors on your house. This is one of my favorite parts. After you paint your house you will have your masterpiece. 




This was my house after I build it and added all of windows and chimney. 

This is my house after I added all of the color. My them was cotton candy. (I think I like this one better than the realistic one. And I want to live in this one.)

This is my realistic house. I think it looks pretty with the blue. And the trim compliments the windows. So this one it really cute and would definitely be a house I would want to see. 

Blender House

This is my blender house. I imported the house from Sketchup. This program is a free to who ever and is incredible. In this program I was able to make really good lighting for it and you can adjust  a camera that you can make a video with.  This is amazing and you could do a lot in this software.

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3 SECOND Blender House Spin

 This is my 3 seconds blender house spin. It was fun to make but also really complicated. So first you need to position with the first keyframe, on 1 second I put the rotating 0. Then we went to put the second keyframe on 90 seconds and the rotation was 360. After that we had to render it and put it in a folder. And that's how we made this video.

240213 House Spin 10 Seconds Sophia Cevallos0001-0300.mp4

10 SECOND Blender House Spin

This one is my 10 seconds blender house spin. It was much easier to make once we did the 3 seconds one. So after we did the other one we added a keyframe on 300 seconds and put the rotation on 0 again so it could spin to the right then back to the left. So in order to so this one you have to do the 3 seconds first or do those steps before. But overall these were supper fun to do.