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Hi, this is my about page. On here I will tell you somethings about myself and about this wonderful DATA program. 

About me!!

Somethings about me is that I play the cello. I started to play in 5th grade in fifth grade strings. Now I am currently in the symphonia at ed white middle school. I really enjoy playing my instrument and we are doing evening with strings today which is April 11, so i'm a little nervous. We will be playing the theme song for the incredibles. Another thing about me is that I have a lot of pets. I love animals and growing up we always had a pet. Right now we have 3 dogs, fish, a chinchilla, a turtle, a tortoise, a parakeet, a snake, and we just hatched 9 chicks. So as you can see it is never a silent moment at my house. I also have 4 siblings. A sister and two brothers. Me and my sister get along well. I love her so much. She has always been there for me and she is and was my first best friend. My two brothers are younger than me. One is 4 years younger and the other is 5 years younger. We also get along, but they can sometimes be a little wild. But I still love them so much. My parents have always been there for me. My mom is there when I need someone to talk to or just to hang out with. My dad is always there when I need him or when I need help with my homework. He also likes to build things, so I  like to help him with that. I also like to cook with my mom. I really love my family and I like to spend time with them. 

About DATA

I did know about DATA till fifth grade when we had an assembly for programs that we could go to for middle school. The three middle school Programs that my school showed us that we can go to is the KSAT at Krueger Middle school, NEMITZ. Or the one that I am at, DATA at Ed White Middle school. DATA stands for Design And Technology Academy. This is a amazing program that shows you how to code and use professional app. In this school You have 8 classes just like any other middle school, you have math, ELAR/English, science, social studies, health/PE/Pre-Athletics, and 3 electives, not to mention lunch. But your tree electives turn into 1. This is because two of your electives become your DATA classes. Expl Mult Media, and App tech med. These classes are so much fun in my opinion. In Multimedia you will have Mr. Hicks. He is the data teacher that teaches you how to code. In the beginning of the year it will seem hard but it all gets easier throughout the year. We use Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Illustrator, After Effects, Sketchup, Blender, and our last app that we used was MIT App Inventor. In this class we also create 3D models that may or may not get printed. In Tech Apps we focus more on using google things and then throughout the year you uses Photoshop and Illustrator with Mr. Gonzalez. But you only have these teachers for 6th grade so you get new app teachers every year.