App Inventor 

This is my page for my app inventor. In here I will be showing you all about my app that I created using MIT App Inventor. On this page I will show you all of my coding, apps, and how to do it all. My favorite part of inventing this app is when you scan it and you see what you have created and get to play with it. I can tell you that it is very fun to see what you have created once you have made your app. 

This is the QR code for my app. you will be able to see what I created. I know that this looks like a simple app that you can create but it is harder than you think. To begin with, you have to start up the MIT APP INVENTOR. When you create the app, you have to add features and then code them. And it is complicated. Like the picture above is the coding that I have done for my Paint Pot app.  In the coding in there it allows me to make the button say the color that it is and paint with that color. It also lets me code a button to clear the drawing and go back to see the other apps. 

This is the very first screen that we made and coded. On this screen we created buttons that allowed us to take the user to different games and play them. On the left you can see that I have 6 buttons. One to tell you about me, one to exit the game, and the four in the middle are games. On the right, you see the "Blocks" area. That is where we coded the buttons to do something. Like where it says "when Button_BallBounce. Click do open another screen screenName BallBounce" it is coding the button go to another page when you click the button. 

This is more than likely the easiest one that we did. I think this because on the left you see the 2 buttons and the photo. The button on the top is something that all of the apps have. It takes you back to the main screen. The bottom button, tells you to click the photo which makes a bee sound. On the right, is the codes. These was by far the easiest because you just had to put the two codes for the two buttons. 

This is the talk to me app. This is a fun app. In this app you can type whatever you want and it will say it back. On the left you see the 2 buttons and the text box. With the first button it takes you back to the main page like the others. And when oyu click the second button it repeats what you put in the text box. On the right it allows all of this to happen. And when you shake this app from the tablet, it gets made and says, "HEY! STOP THAT!" so I wouldn't make it made if I were you. 

This is the Ball bounce app. This app has a ball that you can throw around the screen. On the left you see the button that is on all of the screens and the ball. On the right you see all of the coding that makes this happen. You can see that the ball will fly and get faster and bounce off the edges.  

This is my favorite app. This is PaintPot it lets you color, adjust the size of the color, use different colors, says the colors, mute the colors, wipe the screen, exit the screen, and my favorite one, it lets you use EVERY SINGLE COLOR which is the "MAGIC" button. This is by far the hardest one that I created. But it was fun to create. On the right you see all of the coding that I had to do. The first thing that I did was make the button colors, then I had to code then to color the page that color and say the name of the color. Then I hade to create the wipe button and notifier. With the wipe notifier it lets you know that you are about to wipe all of the coloring that you do. Then after I did that I made size slider. This allows you to pick how big the colors will come out. The last thing that I did was create the mute and magic button and let them do their things.