Title made with Firefly

231027 My Favorite Things Sophia Cevallos Final (1).mp4

In Adobe photoshop I was able to create all of these backgrounds and titles. To create the backgrounds you would have to create a new layer. Then go to the gradient tool and click classic gradient to get the line tool. Then you would pick your colors and start making your awesome background. 

To do the text you would first make a test box and then find a font that you like. Once you are done with that then you would double click on the text on the bar to the right  and go to effects. To make your title look 3D you would add bevel and emboss. If you like your background but can't read your text because it blends in to much. I would recommend to also add outer glow and stroke to make it look legible. ( This was the most fun to me.)

The classic gradient tool is not the only cool tool. You can also use the gradient tool on the right bar to create simple backgrounds, but in my opinion they won't be as cool as designing your own. 

Lets say you like a color and you want to use it on your text, but you don't know how to recreate that color. You would use the eyedropper tool and select the color you want as long as it is in the layer that you are using. Their are many more tool that you can use but these are the basic tool that you would more that likely need the most.

  My Prosses 

After I used Photoshop (https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html) I used Premier Pro (https://www.adobe.com/products/premiere.html). In there I put everything  together. In there I was able to add Text. The hardest part for me was when I used cross dissolved to make one picture fad to the other. In Premier Pro I used After Affects (https://www.adobe.com/products/aftereffects.html) to get my background's to look amazing like they do in the video. 

This is one of my favorites that I used.

This one reminds me of a popsicle.

This is the one I used.

This is the one I wanted to use.