media literacy

10.  Opinions might creep into your writing when talking about a sports team or certain group that you agree or disagree with. 

11. statements like "I think" or " I believe" are a cue that you are using opinions in your writing.

12.  The first amendment 

13. congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress  of grievances. 

14.  The purpose of journalism and media is to inform people and provide people with information that might encourage decision making. 

15. They are trying to make the topic look better depending on the side they are on. 

16. Yes because i think some statements that were in the articles sounded biased. 

17. because the story is representing fox news and their beliefs. 

18. I think that they should treat coverage the same so that the viewers are getting facts and nnot opinions. 

19. I think they should try and provide information that is as unbiased as possible so that the viewers are getting facts only and not opinions. 

20. You might watch to see the other sides opinions. 

21. The media can report more accurately by using unbiased facts so that the viewers are educated properly on the topics.