dispatch issue 1 

threat Highlights communication flaws

I think the strongest quote was "Im just not sure in those kind of situations that teachers will have enough training to know what to do and keep kids calm." said Barbara Smith 

Yes the lead paragraph made me want to keep reading.


Otto Wu's Zines Club: a fun and expressive outlet for creativity

I think the strongest quote was "My favorite part of the zines club is probably the people." said Raven Kemenesi 

Yes the lead paragraph made me want to keep reading.


dawgs team up for annual fundraiser 

I think the strongest quote was " The energy of Bulldogs and Hotdogs is fun and happy." Said Brighton Toland 



Fabulous freshman making her mark

I think the strongest quote was " Jazzlyn has impressed me a lot so far, her power and her vertical jump as well as her dedication makes her such a great player," wincher said. " she wants to be great and will be."



New vaping policy should better support students 

there are no quotes in this article 



This Barbie is a femisinist 

" I talked to my therapist about it. My therapist asked me, "Where do you see Chrissy in that scene," and it hit me. I am Barbie."  Chrissy Henjy



Which story made you want to learn more about the topic? Threat Highlights communication Flaws 

Which story was the best written? This Barbie is a feminist 

Which story had the best quotes (overall)? This Barbie is a feminist 

Which story was the most boring of the ones you read? New Vaping policy should better support students 

Which one was the hardest to follow (meaning maybe wasn't written as well)? New vaping policy shold better support students 

A. What is your favorite photo in the entire paper? The picture of Jazzlyn Hepburn during the volleyball game is my favorite. 

A1. Why is this your favorite? This photo is my favorite because it shows Jazzlyn in action. 

B. What is your least favorite photo in the entire paper? I dont have a least favorite photo in the paper. 

B1. Why is this your least favorite? I think all the pictures were good and supported the articles. 

c. If i were a photographer on staff I would want to photograph Bulldogs and Hotdogs because there would be so many different things going on that i could take pictures of. 

d. 8/10 I think the photos were strong and supported the articles. One thing i would improve on would be maybe trying to have more of a variety of unique photos.