ethics in media 

Kobe Bryant's past: a tweet to soon?: This article is about The controversies of Kobe Bryant. Bryant died in January of 2020. In 2003 Kobe was charged with sexual assault. These chargers came from a 19 year old girl who was working in a hotel. Kobe confessed that he was guilty. After bryant died a reporter tweeted a link to an article about the alligations against Kobe. I think there is a limit to truth telling depending on the situation. I  think that the journalist should wait until after the death of a subject out of respect. I think the ethical thing to do is bring it up at a repectful tine and make sure all information is factual. 

Naming victims of sex crimes: This article is about different victims of sex crimes. One of the victims Elizabeth Smart was abducted from her home in Utah. After nine years Elizabeth was finally returned to her family. She was interviewed and her story was shared to help spread awareness. Another victim was Ben Ownby who disappeared when walking home from school one day. After a four day search police found ben and another boy who had been missing for four years. Both boys were interviewed and appeared on shows like the The Oprah Winfrey Show. I think that children who are victims of sexual assault can be named in the media if they give permission. I think that if the child is comfortable with it it can be a good thing to share the stories of these children. Although this is not a happy topic to talk about it can be helpful to be educated on these topics and spread awareness. 

A suspect "confession": In mid-august John mark Kharr was arrested after confessing to the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, who was beaten and strangled to death. Karr was arrested after information from old emails was brought to the attention of authorities. I think if you can solve a murder it is okay to break a confidents with a source in some cases. solving a murder is a very seroiu ssituation and i think that if you can you should do all that you can. Its harmful if you have useful information and choose to not release it if it is very significant.