ACS Athens Student Podcasts

Podcast Episodes Present student opinions on a wide range of issues and do not necessarily reflect those of the ACS Athens Observer

Current Events

In episode one of “Current Events”, We discuss the global warming protests and the launch of a new rocket by NASA. This episode features David Mavropoulos, Alice Goule, Abby Creel, Kees Ottens, and the host Aristo Gripiotis.

Copy of Current events podcast (final)

Impact of Stress

In episode one of “Impact of Stress”, We discuss the effects of academic stress, stress relief methods, and balancing the pressures of daily life. This episode features David Mavropoulos, Abby Creel, Aristo Gripiotis, Kees Ottens, and the host Alice Goule.

Copy of impact of stress (final)

How Was Highschool?

In episode one of “How was High School?” We tackle the theme of living through history in highschool and reflect on experiences of teenagers growing up in lockdown. This episode features David Mavropoulos, Alice Goule, Aristo Gripiotis, Kees Ottens, and the host Abby Creel.

How Was High School (final)

10th Grade Updates

10th grade student council updates .mp3

The Bellweather of Media

Studying the Bell weather of Media.mp3