Student Support Services

The Brooklyn South Student Services Team is committed to helping educators identify and respond effectively to providing support across Attendance, Health, Counseling, Crisis De-Escalation, and Climate and Culture. We believe the professional learning opportunities will provide educators with the strategies, tools, and guidance to support students, families, and members of the school community. Please review the available live PLOs and webinars we will provide in 2020-2021 to Support our Students Virtually (SASV), in a remote and blended environment.

The link below should be shared with district and school leaders. Our Student Services offerings are available to support your principals and school communities. This online request form will streamline the delivery of PLs, information, and resources, and enable us to collect data and track the supports being provided to your districts.

Please share with your principals and APs.

Brooklyn South BCO Student Services Offerings Request Form 2020-2021 (External Link)

Link text:

Quick Links

Latest News and Updates on Microsoft Teams.

Brooklyn South BCO Student Services 2020-2021Offerings request form.

Resources Specific to the Coronavirus

Teaching Tolerance: Speaking Up Against Racism Around the New Coronavirus (External Link)

Addressing Bullying & Harassment Based on COVID-19

Respect For All (RFA) Library (External Link)

  • RFA Key Materials (posters, brochures, letters, protocols, staff guides, PPTs)

  • RFA Anti-Bias and Tolerance Classroom Resources

  • Additional Anti-Bias and Curriculum Resources

  • DOE Guidance for Reporting Bulling and/or Harassment Complaints

Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

  • Coronavirus Surfaces Fear, Stereotypes and Scapegoating (External Link)

  • Extremists Use Coronavirus to Advance Racist, Conspiratorial Agendas (External Link)

Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility

  • Coronavirus: Countering Biased Responses (External Link)

  • Guidelines for Talking with Students about the Coronavirus (External Link)

  • Coronavirus: Fostering Empathy in an Interconnected World (External Link)

  • What We Don’t Know Frightens Us: The Coronavirus and Scapegoating (External Link)