Language Access

Over 66 thousand Brooklyn South households speak one of more than a hundred different languages or dialects at home, accounting for about half of all Bk South student families.

The language access support the Brooklyn South Borough Office provides to our schools helps ensure they meet the needs of our limited-English proficient households so that those parents can meaningfully participate in the full range of their children’s educational experiences. Our Language Access implementation standards are aligned with the Framework for Great Schools and are grounded in Chancellor’s Regulation A-663, which requires the DOE provide translation / interpretation services to all Limited-English Proficient parents who need assistance to communicate effectively with the Department.

Brooklyn South Language Access Assistance for Your School Includes:

  • Assisting with the development of school Language Translation Interpretation Plan (LTI).

  • Advising and assisting with implementation of effective language access services and practices

  • Advising schools on how to utilize their annual Translation and Interpretation allocations

  • Helping schools set-up meetings with multiple interpreters on virtual platforms

  • Guiding schools through the translation of Special Education documents

  • Assisting schools with translation of transcripts for newly arriving students

  • Troubleshooting interpretation or translation service issues generally

Related Links

Additional Information

In addition, Brooklyn South convenes and leads the Brooklyn South Language Access Advisory Board, which is currently comprised of 28 member schools and which works to promote greater school community engagement and home/school communications through the sharing of resources, the leveraging of best practices, and the implementation of new & innovative initiatives.

If you have any questions or need any language access assistance, please email Elena Cunneely, Field Language Access Coordinator at