Make Big


Today we have been decided what we would make, A Box, book shelf, picture frame, or marble set


We have decided to make the marble run.

1/24 - 1/29

I was sick, not here


Today i started making a cardboard model myself for the project, while jon and patrick design the wooden one on adobe

I have finished it. I glued the cardboard pieces together and made a tiny change in one of the boards. Here is the final result of the prototype. Some improvements were, the boards actually had hole in them, there is 2 beginning points you can put the marble on, and a more sturdy base.


Today we made the draft on adobe illustrator.


Today we finished created the draft for the final project, We have printed the design we are using on the wood cutter on the 3d printer.


Today we glues the pieces together for the marble race.

The ending of the race did not fit together and the end board had holes into them at the end, that was bad because the marble's would just fall out and not go into the ending hole.


Today we made another piece because Patrick was not here with the pieces he made (pictures not available)


Today we made and glued 1 other piece that we messed up on. Here is the fixed piece


Today we started to create a working marble run.


Today we laser cutted the pieces that we made, and it took about


Today we are going to be gluing the pieces together. Here it is finished. I works better than our last one. the reason it work is because we got the idea to cut the cardboard to the point where the second layer was showing, the second layer is suppose to center the marble in the center of the cut path.

The following pictures were step to how we made it, 1. we got all the pieces made. 2. we glued them together. 3. Final product


Today we got started with V-carve. we were thinking of making the 3d printed one so that we have a visual of our measurements that we were going to be doing on the v-carve


Today we decided not to do V-carve just yet, we've decided to make a press fit cardboard model, this will probably be our last model, hopefully. I have made a wooden piece and engraved it with the adobe illustrator. Here is what it looks like.

I engraved the black lines so the marble will run down (hopefully).

This is a separate one cardboard piece Patrick is doing.


Today we are going to print the engraved piece that i created on adobe illustrator, that Patrick showed me how to do.

We tested it and it works at a small slat, but when it is raised it higher it falls out.


Today we are using autocad for making the press fit marble run

Today we were also learning out to use auto cad as well


today we help Patrick get logged into auto cad, Jon also shared his file with us

Jon also made the team drive for us so we can all edit the file.


Today jon made the pieces on the autocad the press fit, tomorrow i am going to make the holes in the walls so that the rail that holds the marble is in tac.

He made the holes and the press fit


Today i made the holes in the walls of the marble run.

These holes are not exact measured, we will downsize them one when we figured out the measurements.

I also made the holes in the boards where the marble will run.

Jon created the slants for the project


I was not here


We have to redo a piece because JON forgot to save to file we were working on

He forgot to save these pieces. so me and patrick started to make them again, but patrick decided his was better so we are keeping his for some reason.


Today we decided to size the wood piece we were creating, and making or sizing down to cardboard. We were making it cardboard just to see if it WOOD work or not.


Today i created a model we will be using for the wood, I used the design processes that we used for the wooden slant that worked excellent. I also used the format design we were using for the cardboard, only i did many different changes to it that i think will go great when we cut it.

I am using the design we used for this wood piece.


Today was a battle on what model we should use. Mine, or patricks. Jon picked mine so it was 2v1. Patrick didn't like mine so we decided to print both and see who's is better.


Mine has bigger spacing for the marble to run down, it also has the holes bigger and the spacing for the press fitting to happen so the boards don't touch each other.


Patrick has smaller hole, more tiles, and a huge wall for the pieces. He also forgot to remove the holes on one board so it will not go through the wall holes at the end. The spacing between the boards will basically will stop the marble from moving all the way down. I did tell him all of the following, but he did not wish to change it.

In the end of the hour after patrick 2d cutted his, he realized it didn't work. The only way it could work was if he pushed the pieces basically forcing them together and having a high chance of having them fold on him.

We have not tested mine out, nor did we print mine, but i have a high chance that if i make a few adjustments (just 1) than mine will work 100%. It would be better for me if i could use wood for it, but jon said to be fair i'd have to use cardboard, also all the wood pieces that were available were already cut so i would have to use cardboard anyways.


Today we printed out mine, I made the press fit holes at little bigger than i had to because i couldn't find the electronic ruler. After we laser cutter it the pieces were exactly how i wanted it! All except for the spacing, but that is a easy fix. The pieces did fit together fine, but it was just a little difficult to keep them in. When jon saw how nice mine was compared to patrick which had many more problems than mine, he and i decided to make a wood piece with my design. Patrick wasn't too happy about that, but he some what agreed to use my design.


Today we put the pieces together, they fit, but they were loose. so i glued them together. The only problems there were was the path for the marble we not deep enough so the marble fell off, and the tabs didn't fit perfectly.

Here is the final product


the measurements for the marble was 0.625.

We worked on making the next WORKING proto-type

We resized the holes to .7 for the marble


Today we down sized the original piece i made.

we moved the pieces closer to each other. I don't know why, because that might stop the marble, but its worth a try.


Today we printed the fixed version.


today we went on V-carve and started importing the file to there, and editing it there.

--Project in V-Carve

All we have to one is resized the tabs to the wood size

--The tabs

in order to cut our pieces and have the to maybe work, we need to make the tabs the size of the wood. Once when we done that we will be able to add the paths onto the 4 boards

I was deleting the extra tab lines


I had to delete the extra line in V-carve so make sure the shop bot cuts and carves perfectly

I was thinking to delete the lines on the sides so it would be easier to press fit the pieces together.

I asked jon and patrick if i should do so, but they said we should keep them there just in case we want to put them in a different direction.

we will resize the tabs once we a for sure of the size of the tabs. We will also add the paths for the marble once when we have the size.

We will also be making another scale model because the model we did scale wasn't accurate enough.

Here was the old scale model we did the wasn't scaled enough.


today we started creating another scale model since our last one wasn't scale enough

here is our new scale model


today we resized the scale model again. We also had to resize the tabs

we went to go print it, we used 3 cardboard because it kept on going on fire. correction, we used 4. nevermind, 5. I lost track.


today we attempted to create another scale model, and it caught on fire, again.


Today i remade the tabs to 0.5 inches

ill soon reconnect them

I reconnected them. Later before and now it has been mostly me doing all the work for the project, Patrick has been making memes and looking at them, jon has been on his phone.


Today i made the size of the width of the tab 0.5


Today we were creating the actual size of the marble run so it would be easier to scale.


Today we resized the marble run to full height

This is the small scaled one.

this is the full sized one.


The model for the shopbot tabs were too big, they were 2.85. So we resized them to .5 like how they should be.

Here are the pieces


This was our last cardboard model patrick was working on before spring break.

We will be hopefully be doing shop bot on monday, that is when we are assigned.


We did separate parts of the model, I did the tabs on the run board, jon worked on the tabs for the side board and patrick is going to make sure they fit, he also worked on the tabs on the other side board.

-Wat i did

-Wat jon and patrick made


today patrick printed the pieces and glued some of them yesterday lunch. So i started to finish gluing them. I ran out of pieces to glue so patrick is going to print more for me to glue

This is how far i gotten with the pieces i was handed


Today we were going to be printing another one. Patrick will be doing that because me and jon will have to go to a required school thing

Here is the actual finished version


Yesterday patrick added the road for the marble

What i am doing was importing the file to a v-carve so we are able to print it tomorrow.

Here is the file in v-carve

Since jon is better and always have been better at doing the shopbot settings i saved the v-carve into the team drive so he can do it when he gets back.


Today we are going to be cutting the marble run onto the shopbot. Never mind, today we are going to be making a test cut prepared. We will be doing a trade off too.

As we were getting the project up on the computer in the shopbot room we realized that it is pointless to try to do it with 5 minutes left of class, because we probably need more time to cut it and get is set up.


Today we are waiting for the shopbot to be open or not in use, if it is still in use we will come in advisory to cut it out.

This is the test cut file.

We will be hopefully be printing this out today.

We also added a hole to make sure the marble will fit through the hole.

Here it is

We also imported the adobe file to a shopbot file


Yesterday we forgot to save the toolpath. So we saved it today


Today patrick and jon had to find out what happened to the test cut yesterday. Yesterday the machine worked, but it didn't cut anything, according to patrick and jon.


I looked for fab lab ideas for the single project.


Did stuff on personal project---In the personal project page


On single project


on single project


Today we cut out test cut again to see if it would work

We set the settings so it would cut the outside first so that is why the hole on this one looks a little screwy

This is our first one, it does not fit

Here is our second one, it fit but not in the tabs


on personal project


Today me and the bois were doing another test cut. Jon messed up and accidently created just the side piece. Patrick was upset with him so patrick decided to do it himself. After patrick started to cut it, he did the same mistake jon made. So we ended out with 2 side pieces.


Today we did another test cut. It worked.


Here is our amazing, working, test cut.









Today we cut a thing and Patrick messed up again and did not highlight it all so it only printed 2 holes and not them hole thing

What Patrick did

So we cut it again

Here is 1 on the pieces


We cut 5 pieces and patrick sanded them


We cut our last 2 pieces for the roads the marble will be on. Now we just need to make the sides so it will press fit.

the shopbot broke. Weimer fixed it. We cut the other piece. We did good on 2nd piece.


Today we cut the final board. It didn't fit at first so we started to sand it. Patrick almost started a fire with the sandpaper.