Kua Rongo Mai Koe


(Kaea) Kua rongo ake au i te reo pōwhiri e karanga mai nei e

(te katoa) E karanga iho ana ki te motu whānui piki mai kake mai ra

Kua rongo mai koe ki te reo pōwhiri e karanga mai nei e

E karanga iho ana ki te motu whānui piki mai kake mai ra

No wai te reo, no wai te mana kua ki te ae au e

Ko te rohe tonu ra O Tamaki Makaurau e…

Waiariki, Tairawhiti, Taitokerau Aotea, Ikaroa, Waikato, Te Waipounamu.


I have heard the voice of welcome greeting me

Welcoming me as part of the wider world, rise up, welcome, welcome.

Have you heard the voice of welcome greeting you?

Welcoming you as part of the wider world, rise up, welcome, welcome.

Whose voice, is it? 

Whose authority is it that I can see?

It is the district of Auckland.