
About the Survey

This summer, we conducted a nationwide survey of students, educators, and performers. The survey centered on questions about accessibility and personal experience performing music by composers of color. The set of questions included:

  • What is your relationship with music?

  • During your musical study, did you have a chance to perform music by composers of color?

  • Did you receive any specialized instruction on performing music by composers of color?

  • Have you gathered or conducted any research on composers of color?

  • Where do you find scores by composers of color?

  • What is your level of familiarity with the history of classical music by composers of color?

  • What is your experience performing music that reflects a cultural identity different from your own?

In order to create a preliminary presentation of results, we've used the 123 survey responses that were submitted by Friday, August 6th, 2021. The survey will remain open for several weeks following the completion of the CURI program, and the data will eventually be compiled and analyzed by St. Olaf's Center for Interdisciplinary Research.

If you would like to participate in our research, you can still take the survey here.

Read more about our findings by clicking on the sections below:

Demographics Takeaways

Music by Composers of Color

Spiral | Chinary Ung

Imágenes | Vinicio Meza