Week 10

We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we gather today - 

The Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. 

Information in this Week's Newsletter


Twenty-Third Ordinary Sunday 10 September 2023

 Words and Actions

 Jesus tells his disciples if someone close to you sins against you, go to that person one-on-one and try to set things straight. If the person will not listen, bring someone else with you and confront the person. Do not allow them to hurt you again. 

As a church and as a family, we are responsible for each other’s welfare. Loving my sister or brother as myself, the way Jesus commands, means being concerned not only for their physical welfare, but also their spiritual welfare. This is especially true in families.

 As parents, we have been told that our children’s faith formation is our responsibility. We help them grow in their faith by sharing what we believe about God and our church through our words and actions. Clearly, we have not only the right, but also the responsibility, to talk to our children and take action when they are doing something wrong. Parents should also be aware that children are often capable of giving them the same guidance. Sometimes a child’s words or actions offer a subtle insight into our own actions or lack of action. Without even meaning to, children can give us clear signals about how we are doing as their primary role model. 

A young person acting out can sometimes be a clear warning sign that we are not spending enough time with them, or we are over indulging them. Sometimes it’s their words that hit the mark. “Why doesn’t daddy go to church?” or “How come we have so much, and other people have so little?” 

For centuries, the Christian family has been called the domestic church. What holds true for congregational churches also holds true for the church that gathers around the kitchen table. “For where two or three gather in my name, I am there among them (v. 20). We need to listen to our children’s actions and words and remember that sometimes Jesus can speak very clearly through the words of a child. 

News from our Principal

Dear Families,

I hope this message finds you well. As we wrap up a truly exceptional Term 3, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your incredible support and dedication to our school community. Together, we've achieved remarkable successes, and I'm excited to share some highlights and important information with you.

Farthers Day:

Thank you to all the families that helped make Fathers Day Breakfast a success. I was unable to attend this event as I was on Long Service Leave, but from the feedback I know it was well attended. Thank you to the parents for supporting the Fathers Day stall and those that helped serve food on this morning. Without your support we could not run events such as these. 

Celebrating Student Achievements:

I am delighted to congratulate three of our outstanding students, Yvette H and Tiffany C from year 5 and Lachlan P from year 6 who represented our school with pride in the Divisional Regional Sports events. Each of them demonstrating remarkable skill and determination and we are thrilled to announce that they have progressed to the next stage. We wish them the best of luck in their upcoming competitions.

Concert Summary and Gratitude:

Our recent school concert was a resounding success! It showcased the immense talent and dedication of our students and staff. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all the students who performed, the teachers and staff who worked tirelessly behind the scenes, and the parents who supported and cheered for our young stars. Your enthusiasm and commitment made the evening truly memorable. A special thank you to Sonia Mazzei for coordinating such a wonderful event. 

I would also like to acknowledge the following sponsors who made both nights possible:

Signarama in Heidelberg 

Mackintosh Floor Sanding

Moomba Park Newsagency

Astwood Netball

Creamy Dreamy Bakes

Coburg Podiatry 

Capital for castles 

Italian automotive spares

Footy Colours Day Fundraiser:

I'm thrilled to share that our recent Footy Colours Day on Tuesday was a hit! Thanks to your generous contributions, we were able to raise an impressive total of $295.20 to support Challenge. For over 30 years Challenge has supported families living with Cancer by delivering practical, personalised services to ensure that children and families are well supported. If you haven't had a chance to donate yet, it's not too late. You can still contribute via CDFPay, and every donation counts towards making a positive impact.

Early School Finish this Friday:

A reminder that this Friday school will conclude at 12:00 pm. Students should be dressed in their usual school uniform.

Sun Smart Policy:

With the arrival of spring, it's important to follow our Sun Smart policy. Please ensure that your child has their school hat for outdoor play. Remember that the school is not permitted to apply sunscreen, so make sure it's applied at home.

Asthma and Allergies Reminder:

As we enter the high pollen season, please ensure that your child's asthma plan and medication are up to date. This includes antihistamines and Ventolin for those who require them.

Magpie Swooping Season Awareness:

We're now in the magpie swooping season, which typically lasts from July through December. Please be vigilant and cautious while around magpie territories to ensure everyone's safety.

Maternity Leave Farewells and Staff Updates:

This week, we bid a fond farewell to Belinda Finocchiaro and Vanessa Cutajar, who are embarking on their maternity leave journeys. Belinda will be temporarily replaced by Illona Kennedy, and Vanessa by Emma Kelly. We wish them all the best during this special time in their lives.

As we approach the break, I want to wish you all a restful and enjoyable time with your families. School will resume on Monday, 2nd October, and we can't wait to welcome our students back for the last term of the year.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support and dedication to our community. Together, we continue to make our school a place of excellence and opportunity.

Warm regards,
David Hurn

Important Dates - Events for Term 3

Click this link to subscribe directly to our STM Public Events Google Calendar


**'Public Events' are listed on our website under 'News and Events', the link being; https://www.stmhadfield.catholic.edu.au/news-events

On the bottom right hand side there is a blue box with a + symbol. If you have a google account, you can link the 'Public Events' calendar to your own personal Google calendar and keep up to date with the most current events and times.

Please don't hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions.

Maths News 

AMC Australian Maths Competition Awards

Some of our senior students recently participated in a the Australian Mathematics Competition. The AMC contains unique problems designed each year by leading educators and academics to challenge and extend students’ problem-solving skills. Congratulations to the following students on their amazing achievements. 


Author's Corner 

Zero’s Perspective

Everyone thought I was stupid, I just stood there. “From now on, there will be no more reading lessons,” the Warden looked at Stanley, “and no more digging other peoples’ holes.”  She looked at me. Stanley and I agreed. “Digging holes is good for you. You ALL need to be digging your own holes everyday” the Warden instructed. I nodded.

“Wait,” Stanley said, “why can’t I dig my own hole and teach Zero to read?” 

“Because it leaves Zero in trouble, he almost killed ZigZag.” Mr Pedanski replied, “It makes him stressed. That's what makes his blood boil, not the hot sun.” 

“I’m not digging another hole!” I said.  Mr Pedanski handed me a shovel and said “DIG.” I held the shovel and thought for a moment, then I raised my arm and hit Mr Pedanski in the head with the top of the shovel. He fell to the ground and I saw my chance. I ran and didn’t stop. I turned to look, and I couldn’t see Camp Green Lake anymore. I had escaped.

By Allegra (Year 6)

The Warden’s Perspective

Mr Pendanski had called me outside to tell me that someone had found something. He had told me that X-Ray could have found something interesting, something that I would like. As I walked past all the dirt piles and towards the holes that the boys in D tent were digging, I saw that X-Ray had found something that looked shiny and rare. Inside of X-Ray’s dirty, dry, bleeding palms, I saw a shiny gold looking tube with a smallish K and B engraved on the side. I noticed that all the other boys had stopped digging and had dropped their shovels to have a look at what was going on. 

“Is this where you found it X-Ray?” I said in a soft tone to him. 

“Yes.” X-Ray replied. 

“Your hard work will be rewarded, you will get a fresh set of clothes, a warm shower and the rest of the day off.” I mumbled. Everyone stared at us, no one said anything. X-Ray packed up his things, got in the pickup truck and left.

By Mia (Year 6)

Julie Hanna,
Literacy Leader

Student Wellbeing

Bullying No Way

On Friday 18th August students gathered in groups from Prep to Year 6 to complete an activity based on ‘Bullying No Way’. They supported one another in defining what bullying is, listened to the story ‘Daisy Chain’ and created their own daisy chain. 

Bullying can be defined by being an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening. Bullying can happen in person or online, via various digital platforms and devices and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Bullying behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time (for example, through sharing of digital records). Bullying of any form or for any reason can have immediate, medium and long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders. Single incidents and conflict or fights between equals, whether in person or online, are not defined as bullying.

I am being bullied, what can I do?
1. Stay calm
2. Report it - tell trustworthy adults and keep talking to them until the bullying stops; reporting it helps keep people safe (and isn't the same as 'dobbing’)
3. Get support - bullying can affect your mental health and self-worth - having the support of family, friends, teachers and/or professionals can make a big difference

It would be great to discuss this further with your child at home.

With thanks,
Mel Horan 

Family Engagement

Fundraising Update: 

We have raised $13,557 so far with 5 weeks to go until our Colour Run!

If you would like to volunteer for the event, you will find the Google Form link in the Operoo permission form.

Kind regards,

Kate Mackintosh

Community News and Announcements

T4 KU flyer for St Thomas Mores School (Hadfield).pdf
Sept Program Flyer.pdf

Melbourne University Sport's School Holiday Program 

Good Afternoon!

My name is Ally Williams, and I am the Program Supervisor for Melbourne University Sport’s School Holiday Program!

We run sport, science, and robotics classes over the holidays for school-aged children living in and around Melbourne (ages 5-12).

The activities we will be running these school holidays are a bit different than we’d usually have, as this September, we will be hosting Gymnastics, as well as our own Elite Athletes who will coach their specialty sport which will include classes run by elite AFL athletes, a UBL Basketball player, our Female Athlete of the Year and Professional Badminton player, AND Elite Hockey, Athletics, Soccer and Tennis coaches, too. Other activities run by our coaches over the fortnight’s period will include:


ALLY WILLIAMS | Program Supervisor

Melbourne University Sport | The University of Melbourne

Level 1, Building 103, Tin Alley

The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia

Thank you to our School Concert Sponsors


Harry D - for recalling interesting facts about different insects and reptiles, using topic-specific vocabulary in his writing. 

Aria K - For asking the reader questions in her writing and recording interesting facts about reptiles and insects. 

Xavier C - for being persistent and persevering in writing tasks. Keep it up superstar! 

Samara S - for approaching all learning tasks with a positive attitude and trying her best in literacy tasks. Keep it up! 

Isla C - for consistently trying your best in all aspects of your learning. Congratulations on your wonderful improvements this term! 

Andre L - for his outstanding efforts in recalling and recording facts during our writing sessions. Keep up the fantastic work! 

Oliver C - for consistently displaying a growth mindset and showing persistence and determination in his learning. Keep up the great work Ollie! 

Megan P - for using powerful verbs in your method to create a procedural text. Well done Megan! 

Matthew G - for taking on feedback and showing great progress in your writing. It is great to see you taking your time and writing lower case letters correctly. Well done Matthew! Keep up the great work! 

Siya G - for consistently presenting neat work and using sophisticated vocabulary in your writing. Amazing job Siya! 

Aria G - for consistently demonstrating a growth mindset in all you do. You try your best in every task and your dedication can be seen especially in Maths, where you have done a great job counting with Mrs Angiolinio. You should be very proud of yourself! 

Micah N - for demonstrating fantastic resilience during our multiplication unit to draw accurate arrays and remain focused. 

Charlotte J - for always being respectful and demonstrating kindness to her teacher and classmates. 

Oliver J - for always being organised and ready to learn with a positive attitude and smile on his face. Keep up the great work.

Christian D - for demonstrating a growth mindset and showing persistence in his learning. Keep up the great work! 

Dante P - for being a conscientious learner and working on all tasks with a strong focus and growth mindset.

John K - for consistently displaying a growth mindset by approaching all tasks with a positive attitude and always having a go before seeking assistance. You are a superstar, John! 

Roma W - for being a respectful and kind member of 2W who always up holds school values and expectations. Keep up the amazing work, Roma! 

Bryan T - for working hard and being persistent when writing his information report, and creating his triorama about Narwhals. 

Aston D - for consistently showing enthusiasm and confidence during concert practice each week! 

Gabriel D - for his consistent bright and bubbly personality greeting me every morning. You light up our classroom everyday! 

Cooper L - for his kind hearted actions that brighten others day. Your respectful actions and responses have really impressed adults around you! 

Hugo F - for being responsible, respectful and safe both inside and outside of the classroom. Well done Hugo! 

Mila I - for being a responsible learner and always having a positive approach to learning. You are a role model to others Mila! 

Blake P - for showing a growth mindset in his learning and persisting to master new concepts taught throughout the division unit. 

Evana R - For showing persistence in Mathematics and remaining determined to master the algorithm strategy in the division unit. 

Julian A - This award is proudly presented to Julian for demonstrating the value of responsibility when taking on feedback and putting in effort toward achieving his literacy goals. 

Emaly W - This award is proudly presented to Emaly for consistently showing respect and responsibility when approaching her learning in 4 Maroon. 

Charlotte K - for consistently demonstrating the value of respect and showing dedication to learning across all areas. Great work Charlotte! 

Noah N - for showing enthusiasm and completing a well written information report on floods. Keep up the great work Noah! 

Yvette H - for consistently showing a positive attitude toward all aspects of her learning. 

Marcus R - for consistently showing respect towards his teachers and peers. You are a fantastic role model to others! 

Evelyn A - for being an active participant in Inquiry, showing enthusiasm and drive when researching and investigating her own experiment.

James K - for his outstanding attitude and resilience towards stepping into concert practice late and putting 100% effort in.

Tanay H - For working collabratively in researching and investigating ideas for his Inquiry experiment.

Zara Y - For showing improvement in reading fluency and comprehension.

Toby F - For his effort and enthusiam in Inquiry when researching, preparing and performing his interesting experiments. Well done, Toby! 

Mia F - For an outstanding perspective writing piece on our book study Holes. You well and truly encaptured the scenes and character profiling perfectly. Well done, Mia! 

Dany A - For his effort and enthusiam in Inquiry when researching, preparing and performing his interesting experiments. Amazing work Dany! 

Ava C - For an outstanding perspective writing piece on our book study Holes. You well and truly encaptured the scenes and character profiling perfectly. Brilliant work Ava! 
