St. Teresa of Avila

This window was donated by Catherine McStravick. Her father was Mr. P.C. McStravick, vice president of the Kalispell National Bank.

St. Teresa was born in Spain on March 28, 1515. At a young age Teresa showed great signs of a deeply religious nature. She used to go into quiet places to pray and enjoyed helping the poor. When she was living in the Incarnation Convent in Avila, she was struck with an ailment that left her paralyzed and she was presumed dead. She prayed and prayed to Joseph and her prayers were answered. Her paralysis was cured and she was able to walk again. She founded many monesteries, and is considered a Doctor of the Church. She is the patron saint of writers and headaches.

Saint Teresa is holding a book and a pen symbolizing her writing, and that she is a Doctor of the Church. . The black robe she is wearing symbolized simplicity. The white part of the robe symbolizes humility.

By Evelyn Smith

Biography St. Teresa of Avila