Special days

Term 4

World Book Day

What an amazing day we have had. I loved all the costumes, everyone looked amazing. Have a look through some of the pictures below to see what we got up to!

Reading in a strange place

Term 2

Carol concert

Wow! What an amazing concert Year 2. I'm so proud of you all! We hope that you enjoyed it. 

Santa in school!

Thank you so much to our wonderful PTFA and everyone who has helped make this day so special (as it is every year)! There are some very lucky children in our school. 

Christmas dinner day!

Term 1

Fire safety

On Wednesday, we had a visit from Matt who is a firefighter at Chesterfield Fire Station. He came to talk to us to help us be prepared if there ever is a fire. He told us ways to keep ourselves safe, including checking door handles to see if they are warm, calling 999 and the 'stop, drop and roll'. Below are some pictures from the visit.  

Hot chocolate!

We had a special treat this afternoon. They all seemed to enjoy themselves and they left with very chocolatey mouths!