Term 5 - Book corners (textiles)

Lesson 4

Using our design from lesson 3, we made our own bookmarks. The children should be so proud of what they've achieved, they look brilliant! :)

Lesson 1 and 2

To start off our new topic, we analysed different existing bookmarks to think about the different materials and the different styles. We then researched different kinds of fabric bookmark which is what we'll be making. To finish off, we had a go at sewing! We practiced a running stitch and sewed the two ends of our felt together to create a seam. 

Term 2 - Chocolate molding


We are making our own chocolates to sell at our carol concert. We chose which shapes we wanted from the molds available, and then we melted the chocolate and added in different sprinkles and sauce to change the taste and design. 


As we removed our chocolates from the molds, we thought about whether they turned out how we wanted them to, or if they didn't, what we could do next time to make them even better. 

Term 1 - Carrier bag investigation

Lesson 1 - Evaluate and analyse

We have looked at a variety of carrier bags and thought about whether they were useful or not. We thought about their properties, how much they would cost and what they could be used for. 

Lesson 2 - Focused task

Today we thought about what a bag needs, and we created a tree map of good and bad qualities. Someone had put 'little' as a bad quality, and we discussed this further, thinking about sometimes a little bag might be exactly what is needed. We then designed our own bag, specifically for our belongings that we bring to school each day.