Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar

Culture and Nature in East Africa

A wildlife and cultural safari

August 2-18, 2022

For 17 days we shall experience both wildlife and cultural aspects of East Africa. We start in bustling Nairobi, then visit Lake Naivasha, Masai Mara, and Lake Victoria in Kenya relishing both wildlife and cultural experiences. Next we explore the wildlife of the Serengeti, Ngorongoro, and Lake Manyara in Tanzania. Lastly, we invest three days in amazing Zanzibar visiting historic and cultural sights as well as contemporary markets.

This itinerary was arranged by African Savannah Holidays, Ltd. at my request. Accommodations will be very comfortable. We will travel in a large van and a maximum of 12 people will be on the trip in two vans. We have an English speaking guide with us at all times. Commitment to this trip must be made by March 30, 2022.

For more information, contact or

Join Carla for an Info session to learn more about the trip.

March 13th 9:00am

March 18th at 12:00 pm

March 21 at 6:00 pm

MARCH 28th 7:00pm

Trip Leader: Professor Carla Bossard



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