Trip Leader

Tom Poundstone

If you were to ask Tom what he loves about Saint Mary’s, he would say the students, great colleagues, small classes, the chance to teach what he is passionate about, and definitely, definitely January Term!!!

January Term, Tom likes to say, is that special month when students and faculty alike are invited to pursue what captures their imagination. What especially captures Tom's imagination are the attempts artists and architects have made over the centuries to give visual expression to their understanding of the Jewish and Christian faiths. Tom couldn’t be more thankful to Saint Mary’s for the opportunities our unique January Term has given him -- enabling him to get to know cities like Assisi, Florence, and Rome intimately while also enabling him to develop an expertise in the field of “visual theology." He is also deeply thankful for all the students he’s had the privilege of studying with, what he's learned from them, and the many amazing meals they've been able to share together.

In his 27 years at Saint Mary’s, Tom has been teaching travel classes in Italy, France, or England almost every year in addition to going to Rome at least a couple of times each semester to lead classes for our students studying in Europe. It's no surprise that he can’t wait to share his love of all things Italian with Saint Mary’s alumni travelers.

When he’s not teaching in Rome or Paris or London, Tom teaches a variety of ethics classes on campus in Moraga: Medical Ethics, Christian Ethics, and Catholic Social Teaching — and, of course, he enjoys the opportunity to teach The Bible and Its Interpretation. He also teaches Visual Theology: Theological Explorations of Christian Art, a class that builds on his travel experiences and affords him the chance to sort through the thousands and thousands of photographs he has taken.

Tom is currently the chair of the Theology & Religious Studies Department. In the past he has served as both the Director of the January Term Program and Chair of the Academic Senate.

Questions? Contact Tom at

Or join him for an online information session:

March 14th 8:00pm

March 16th 8:00pm

Zoom link: