Italy Itinerary

June 20th - July 4th

Itinerary subject to change.

Monday, June 20

Opening night dinner in Assisi at Il Menestrello

Tuesday, June 21

Morning: The Basilica of St. Francis

Afternoon: Tour of the Lower Basilica

Dinner at Trattoria da Erminio

Wednesday, June 22

Morning: The Basilica of Santa Chiara and the Upper Basilica of St. Francis

Afternoon: Wine tasting in Montefalco

Thursday, June 23

Travel to Florence via Deruta

Perhaps dinner at Osteria Santo Spirito or Trattoria La Casalinga

Friday, June 24

Morning: San Marco & Fra Angelico

Afternoon: The Uffizi, part I

Perhaps lunch at I Buongustai

Saturday, June 25

Morning: the Uffizi, part II (for half of us)

Morning: Free (for half of us), with the chance to climb the dome of the Duomo

Afternoon: the Uffizi, part II (for half of us)

Afternoon: Free (for half of us), with the chance to climb the dome of the Duomo

Some places you might want to see, especially if we haven’t slipped any of them into our itinerary: The Bargello, the Brancacci Chapel, Santa Croce; the Palazzo Vecchio (especially to see the Capella di Eleonora by Bronzino, but also the death mask of Dante featured in Dan Brown’s Inferno. Donatello’s Judith is here too, etc.); inside Orsanmichele (especially to see the tabernacle designed by Orcagna); Santa Maria Novella; the Chapel of the Magi

Sunday, June 26

Morning: the Accademia

Afternoon: the Baptistery; the Museum of the Duomo

Dinner at La Giostra

Monday, June 27

All day in Siena

Ciffe at Nannini

Lunch at Trattoria La Torre

Tuesday, June 28

Travel to Rome via Orvieto

Dinner at Il Chianti

Wednesday, June 29

Morning: Papal Audience (if the Pope is in town)

Afternoon: The Catacombs of Priscilla

Thursday, June 30

Morning: San Pietro in Vincoli, San Clemente

Afternoon: S. Ignazio; S. Maria sopra Minerva; Caravaggio walk; possibly the Pantheon

Dinner at Alfredo's

Friday, July 1

Morning: St. Peter’s

Afternoon: Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel

Saturday, July 2

Morning: S. Maria del Popolo; S. Maria della Vittoria; S. Andrea; San Carlino

Lunch at Enoteca Corsi

Afernoon: S. Giovanni in Laterano

Sunday, July 3

Morning: Free

Early afternoon: Borghese Gallery (for half of us, free for the rest)

Late afternoon: Borghese Gallery (for half of us, free for the rest)

Dinner at L'Orso 80

Monday, July 4

Fly home in time for the fireworks or stay and explore Italy and more!