Third Grade

Please scroll down for our newest activities.

3/31 Moving Line Project

Draw a wavy design using many colors. You can use markers, crayons, or colored pencils. When you are finished, draw straight lines with a ruler or anything hard and straight in your home (even the edge of a book works). Cut on the lines to make strips. Use glue or a glue stick to stick them on to another sheet of paper.

3/31 Make a Cake!

3/31 Trace your Hand

4/8 Draw your toys or action figures

Find a window with bright sunshine coming in. Put a piece of paper under your figures and move them so that the light makes a shadow on your paper. Use a pencil to trace the shadow, when you are done you can take the paper to a desk or table and draw the details. Remember to draw lightly with your pencil until you are ready to go over those lines with pen or marker.


Forsythia is a beautiful flowering bush that blooms around Easter time. If you have been outside you might have seen them in your neighborhood. You can make a picture of Forsythia branches by drawing lines for branches, then adding the small yellow flowers. Draw first with pencil then add color with markers or paints.

4/15 Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Guiseppe was a painter in Italy during the 1500s! He was best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made of fruits, vegetables and flowers.

Try to make a face like Guiseppe!

You can use crayons, markers , or colored pencil.

4/22 Make a robot or a sculpture with recycled materials

Do you remember all of the recycled materials that I kept in the art room? I'm sure that you can find some around your home. Collect bottle caps, toilet paper rolls, cereal boxes, and other things that you can build with. I would love to see what you can make! If you would like to send me a picture of your creation, have your parents take a photo with their phone and email it to me.