Second Grade

Please scroll down for our newest activities.

3/31 Draw a Landscape

This is a project that I usually do with older students but I know that you can do it! You will need to know a new vocabulary word. The word is "Horizon" which means the line where the surface of the sky and the earth appear to meet.

3/31 Draw a robot

You can use any materials for this-- pencil, crayons, or markers. Remember if you are using markers, it's always a good idea to use pencil first so that you can erase if you need to.

3/31 Happy Birthday

I'm sure that we are missing our cupcake birthday celebrations at school. Ask your family members what their favorite flavors are and draw a cupcake for each of them.

4/8 Origami Bunny

Remember that most origami starts with a square piece of paper. You can use computer paper, newspaper, or magazine pages. After you have folded it, add a face with marker or pen.

4/8 Trees are blooming.

If you look outside the trees are waking up! Some have small buds and others are starting to flower. You can draw a tree that you see or one from your imagination.

4/15 Art with Mati and Dada

A great way to learn about how you would like to make art is to look at the work of famous artists in history. Mati and Dada can show you many different artists from all over the world.

4/15 Earth Day is next week.

If you can find an old magazine or sale paper that your parents will let you cut up, you can make this collage with cut or torn pieces of the paper. Recycle a piece of cardboard from a cereal or frozen food box to use as the background and go through the magazine to find shades of blue and green to make planet Earth. Trace a circle on the background so you know where to place your pieces.

4/22 Today is Earth Day!

Make an Earth Day poster

Start by tracing each of your hands and cutting them out. Use something in your home that is a large circle to trace the shape of our planet (maybe a bowl from your kitchen). Then cut out your Earth and glue it onto another piece of paper along with your hands. You can write any message that you wish at the top of the paper and color it in. If you would like to send me a picture of your work, have your parents take a picture with their phone and email it to me!