Eighth Grade

Please scroll down for our newest activities.

3/31 Continue working on drawing hands

Challenge yourself to draw hands spelling out the letters of your name or a word that is meaningful to you.

Create a surreal hand

Use the skills that we have worked on (shading, value, and zen tangling) to create a hand that is a piece of art.

4/8 Draw a room in your home!

Using the skills that we practiced in drawing rooms in one point perspective, choose a room in your home to draw as realistically as possible. Circle line Art School on youtube has many helpful videos for this project. Use pencil lightly as you begin and use a straight edge or ruler just like we did in class.


Create an artfully illustrated version of a recipe - an imaginative one or an actual recipe (I'd love to see one that your family likes to make.).

Have your parents take a photo and email it to


I will send it in for our team to the Hunger Challenge to earn a donation. There is much more information about the challenge on our ABOUT page of this site.

Recipe for a stronger community

Recipe from our family or culture

4/22 Create a silhouette drawing on recycled paper.

Use a piece of newspaper to draw on. Sketch out your image first in pencil, then go over your lines and fill in with thin black marker. Newsprint is thin so it's a good idea to put something under it to protect your drawing surface.

Look outside your window for inspiration.

The blooming branches and the many birds that we see right now make excellent subjects for silhouettes. I'd love to see your work. If you able, take a photo and email it to me. tmurray@stmarystthomas.org