First Grade

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3/31 Spring flowers are coming.

Draw a big flower and use different patterns to color each petal.

3/31 Circle Art

Find a circle to trace in your home. Trace it many times, overlapping circles to cover a whole piece of paper. Then color in the spaces.

4/8 The birds are out!

I'm sure that you have heard them singing in the morning and flying outside your windows. There are many different kinds that you can see in Chicago, Robins, Sparrows, even Cardinals! Make a drawing with many different birds, you can draw them walking on grass, perched on branches, or sitting on eggs in a nest.

4/8 Here come the bunnies.

Drawing a rabbit uses many circles, follow the step by step. You can decorate the background to make it look like your bunny is in a garden or getting ready for Easter.

4/8 Tulips come back every Spring

You can make these tulips and glue them down on a piece of paper, then draw stems and leaves. Remember that most origami begins with a square sheet of paper. You can use newspaper or magazine pages for your origami paper.

4/15 Aiken Drum

Do you remember our drawing song about Aiken Drum? The song came from Scotland during the 1800s. Play with your sister/brother/Mom or Dad . Ask them for ideas just like I would ask you then you draw them. Remember how silly ours would turn out in class?

4/22 Today is Earth Day!

This book was written and illustrated by Dr. Seuss. Listen to the story for ideas on how to illustrate your drawing of planet Earth.

Make a drawing or painting to celebrate Earth Day

Use markers, crayons, or paint to create an earth day poster. Do your work on a piece of newspaper and you will be recycling something that would be thrown away into a piece of art!