If I Were A Superhero

For this assignment we had to create a self portrait of ourself. Then we had to make it in to a superhero. We would first type up what our superhero was about. Then we would go to an app called Pinta and make our superhero. We would put the self portrait of our superhero on the essay. I wrote my essay about a girl that figure outs that she is a superhero. She goes to bed one night then there is a light that wakes her up and turns her into a superhero. She goes through this difficult experience but in the end she saves the world . When you were down with the essay you would need to put in your self portrait in the essay and make it into a superhero. I did not put in my superhero self portrait but I did make my self portrait. I made my self portrait in an app called Pinta. First I did the head, then the eyes, next I did the nose, then the mouth, then ears and hair. We did the essay in Google Docs. I thought that this assignment was interesting because it would be hard sometimes than fun.

Kayla S - 005 - If I Were a Superhero