Scroll down to see exclusive behind-the-scenes content from EOTS productions and more!

Joe Derr '24, the project leader, takes a behind the scenes picture Ms. Myles' Autocomplete Interview. Olivia Lee '24 checking the camera and Mr. Fendelman holding the boom mic. To be released soon!

EOTS members, with the help of Mr. Fendelman, learning the importance of using different lenses and angles

Peyton Ambrose '25 interviewing Ms. Zuckert as a part of our alumni series, Back Home on the Hilltop. To be released soon!

Our 2021-2022 leaders Michael Luther '24, Olivia Lee '24, and Catherine Clark '23 at the Fall Club Fair.

Talking with potential students looking to join Eye of the Storm.

Ella Sato-Connell '24 hosts Episode #24 with Sankalp Ojha '24 holding the boom microphone, Maya Coniglio '24 filming, and Elyse Kim '21 directing.

Ella Sato-Connell '24 hosts Episode #24 with Sankalp Ojha '24 holding the boom microphone, Hannah Johnson '24 filming, and Elyse Kim '21 and Nicole Perez '24 directing.

Ella Sato-Connell '24 hosts the third installment of "Pedestrian Questions."

EOTS members prepare to interview Mr. Chuhta for Episode #23.

EOTS members creating "Google search results" posters during club meeting time.

EOTS members hard at work preparing props for the fourth installment of "Pedestrian Questions."

Upper School Club Fair at St. Luke's School on 2020-09-03.

Elyse Kim '21 and Brian Douglas '21 talking with potential members at the 2020-21 Club Fair.

Upper School Club Fair at St. Luke's School on 2020-09-03.

Elyse Kim '21 and Brian Douglas '21 at the 2020-21 Club Fair.

Cate Mathews '21 interviewing Head of Upper School Liz Perry for Episode #3 of "The Thunderclap."

Brian Douglas '21 monitoring audio levels while Matthew Sherter '22 and Jerry Rutigliano '20 record episode #2 of "The Thunderclap."

Abby Johnson '21 and Elyse Kim '21 interviewing Moli Ma '21 for Episode #17.

Brian Douglas '21 and Sloan Barker '22 interviewing Calvin Strothenke '22 for Episode #16.

Recruiting new members at 2019 Club Expo.

Audrey Magnusen '21 filming Episode #11.

Cate Mathews '21 filming Episode #11.

Elyse Kim '21 filming Episode #15.

Elyse Kim '21 and Mr. Fendelman filming Episode #8 with Seeley Fancher '14.

Elyse Kim '21 and Seeley Fancher '14 filming Episode #8.

Cate Mathews '21, Elyse Kim '21, and Molly Kim '21 preparing to film Episode #11.

Brian Douglas '21 monitoring audio levels while Matthew Sherter '22 records club ads for "The Thunderclap."