What is Your Mental Health/Well-Being and How to Look After it?

Mental Health/Well-Being is:

Mental health/Well-Being is the way children think and feel about themselves and the world around them. It affects how children cope with life’s challenges and stresses.

Mental health/Well-Being is all about looking after your mind and your feelings. Your Well-Being also includes caring for your physical body, your creativity and imagination - all parts of your amazing self!😍😀👍

Remember to be true to your one of a kind self and to all those fabulous people around you!🤩😍👏🙌🎇✨

According to the Amber Flag 5th/6th Class Committee good Mental Health is: when you feel happy and positive in your mind, are productive and you feel better everyday.

Ask your students what they think Mental Health/Well-Being is and how they can look after it? What advice would they give a friend in need???

This video is for all children.

How to Look After it:

This video is for 5th/6th Class children. Please view it to see if you are happy with it. Remind children that they should always share how they feel with a trusted adult.

According to the Amber Flag Committee you can: