
Images for Mental Health Week.docx

Our Theme is, 'Learn about Mental Health/Well-Being and 5 Simple Ways to Look After it !' 

Speak up – Shape a Brighter Future – Start now!!!! 

Speak up for Mental Health/Your Well-Being. Be vocal! It’s ok to not be ok. We need to experience sadness to how happiness!😀👍

All our feelings are ok and it is important to learn about them and to do things that help us feel our best, like: playing football, dancing, rugby, art, drama, dancing, mediations, yoga, karate, swimming, watching t.v., going to the cinema, getting outdoors, spending time with family and friends etc.

Talk to your parents, a trusted adult and your friends when you are not feeling your best.

Learn how to look after it yourself!!🥇🏆😀👍

Relaxing, sleeping, laughing, having fun, getting fresh air and eating well are key components to your Mental Health/Well-Being!! Refer to the St. Laurence's Amber Flag Leaflet/Poster often to remind you.

Mental health affects all of us at every stage of our lives.

Shape a brighter future for young people.

Everyone needs and deserves access to mental health care.

Each Class will do one thing for their Mental Health/Well-Being whether that be a drama, creative play, art, meditation, yoga, dance, physical exercise, read, go out in to nature, listen to music, talk to each other - You decide!!!! 😀👍💖

Twinkl have lots here for all ages:

This video with Bressie in it shows the importance of looking after your Mental Health/Well-being and some ways that you can do it. It shows that all children have the same emotions, fears and questions. You Are Not Alone! Children from 3rd -6th Class can follow this link